Training as an electroerosionist in Russia
An electroerosionist is a specialist who processes parts using an electroerosion machine. This machine uses electrical discharges to remove material from the metal surface. The main application of electroerosion treatment is the manufacture and processing of complex parts made of solid materials.
Knowledge requirementsTo work as an electroerosionist, it is necessary to have knowledge in the following fields:- metallurgy
- , mechanics
- , electrical
- engineering, computer technology
Skills required for the job
An employee in the position of an electroerosionist should be able to:- read technical drawings
- work with an electroerosion machine
- select the necessary tools and material for work
- , carry out quality control of parts
- , disassemble and assemble equipment
Duties of the employeeAn employee in the position of an electroerosionist must:- perform electrical erosion treatment of parts
- control the quality of manufactured parts
- comply with safety requirements
- promptly respond to emergency situations
- and maintain equipment in good condition
Issued documents by profession ElectroerosionistIn accordance with paragraph 10 of Article 60 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012 "On Education in the Russian Federation" and paragraph 19 of the Procedure for Organizing and Implementing Educational activities in Basic Vocational Training Programs (approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 534 dated 08/26/2020) upon graduation:
according to the vocational training program, students receive qualification in the profession of a worker with the assignment of a qualification category, which is confirmed by a Certificate of assignment of the profession.
according to the advanced training program, students upgrade their qualifications according to the existing profession of a worker, which is confirmed by a Certificate of advanced training and an Extract from the protocol.
The issued qualification documents are legitimate and valid throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.